Battle Grade Info

How we calculate your battle grade

The full source code is available on GitHub

Medal Values
Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal Black Medal
Grade Data (Source)
Grade Title VS Ace Pro
1 Hawk 200400600
2 Snake 90011001300
3 PitBull 160018002000
4 Panther 245027002950
5 Bull 340036503900
6 Gorilla 450048005100
7 Wolf 600064006800
8 Mammoth 840090009600
9 Panda 119001270013500
10 Lion 165001750020000
11 Nue 250003000035000
12 Orchi 450005500065000
13 Phoenix 85000105000125000
14 Dragon 155000185000215000
15 Ogre 255000295000335000

These are then transformed using the function below to the following list

function getSuffix(number_: number): string {
  switch (number_) {
    case 1:
      return "st"
    case 2:
      return "nd"
    case 3:
      return "rd"
      return "th"
}export const grades = [
  [0, "No Rank"] as [number, string],
  ...Object.entries(GRADES).flatMap(([name, steps], grade) =><[number, string]>((step, index) => [
      `${index === 0 ? "VS " : ""}${grade + 1}${getSuffix(grade + 1)} Grade${
        index === 0 ? "" : index === 1 ? " Ace" : " Pro"
      } (${name} ${index + 1})`,
Points Name
0 No Rank
200 VS 1st Grade (Hawk 1)
400 1st Grade Ace (Hawk 2)
600 1st Grade Pro (Hawk 3)
900 VS 2nd Grade (Snake 1)
1100 2nd Grade Ace (Snake 2)
1300 2nd Grade Pro (Snake 3)
1600 VS 3rd Grade (PitBull 1)
1800 3rd Grade Ace (PitBull 2)
2000 3rd Grade Pro (PitBull 3)
2450 VS 4th Grade (Panther 1)
2700 4th Grade Ace (Panther 2)
2950 4th Grade Pro (Panther 3)
3400 VS 5th Grade (Bull 1)
3650 5th Grade Ace (Bull 2)
3900 5th Grade Pro (Bull 3)
4500 VS 6th Grade (Gorilla 1)
4800 6th Grade Ace (Gorilla 2)
5100 6th Grade Pro (Gorilla 3)
6000 VS 7th Grade (Wolf 1)
6400 7th Grade Ace (Wolf 2)
6800 7th Grade Pro (Wolf 3)
8400 VS 8th Grade (Mammoth 1)
9000 8th Grade Ace (Mammoth 2)
9600 8th Grade Pro (Mammoth 3)
11900 VS 9th Grade (Panda 1)
12700 9th Grade Ace (Panda 2)
13500 9th Grade Pro (Panda 3)
16500 VS 10th Grade (Lion 1)
17500 10th Grade Ace (Lion 2)
20000 10th Grade Pro (Lion 3)
25000 VS 11th Grade (Nue 1)
30000 11th Grade Ace (Nue 2)
35000 11th Grade Pro (Nue 3)
45000 VS 12th Grade (Orchi 1)
55000 12th Grade Ace (Orchi 2)
65000 12th Grade Pro (Orchi 3)
85000 VS 13th Grade (Phoenix 1)
105000 13th Grade Ace (Phoenix 2)
125000 13th Grade Pro (Phoenix 3)
155000 VS 14th Grade (Dragon 1)
185000 14th Grade Ace (Dragon 2)
215000 14th Grade Pro (Dragon 3)
255000 VS 15th Grade (Ogre 1)
295000 15th Grade Ace (Ogre 2)
335000 15th Grade Pro (Ogre 3)